
This section works as a blog for members of the group sharing their takes and guides on Open Standards, Free Software, and Open Data. You can subscribe via RSS.

A 21st century panopticon called Facebook.

So, What's the Deal with Surveillance Capitalism?

The panopticon - a prison system designed to monitor the maximum number of prisoners with the least amount of guards. Designed by an English philosopher and social theorist, Jeremy Bentham, it consists of a central tower where the guards are, surrounded by the prison cells arranged in a circular building. The layout of this tower is such that the guards are able to look into the prisoners’ cells at all times, but the prisoners are unable to see whether the guards are looking at them or not.
big tech withdrawal support group

Big Tech Withdrawal Support Workshop

As the news is confronting us with the ever increasing political and economic power of the small number of companies and individuals that control our digital lives, we believe the best moment to make the move towards free, open source alternatives is now. Wednesday the 29th of January, from 14:00h to 15:00h OpenTech(AUC) organizes a hybrid workshop to support the community (staff and students) in making (a start with) this transition.
Titel van een artikel van de UvA - UvA doet mee aan de Mastodon pilot

Een Mastodon account voor de UvA

Op 18 januari 2025 stuurden we deze mail naar Beste lezer, Wij zijn een groep studenten en medewerkers van Amsterdam University College die zich al langere tijd zorgen maakt over de rol van Big Tech en corporate social media in onze samenleving. Wij komen elke week, buiten het curriculum om, bij elkaar om deze zorgen te bespreken, en om alternatieven te onderzoeken en uit te proberen. De laatste maanden laten wat ons betreft steeds duidelijker zien dat de huidige situatie onhoudbaar is, en dat het tijd wordt om met z’n allen een betere digitale wereld moeten opbouwen.
3d visualization of Fediverse logo

If we can't get our act together digitally, we won't have our act together anywhere: reason 2

This is the second part of a two-part series. See also this article. “…if we can’t convince people to escape the clutches of capitalism when it only requires a USB stick with Linux and a short online course on bash/python, how are we ever going to gain control over (and share the fruits of) other, more material and inert kinds of technology?” Who benefits from innovation? In many ways and in many places, life is better now than it was 100 years ago.
A collage of posts from the "AUC lol" account

How a Gossip Account Took the Laugh Out of LOL

A social media gossip account named “” closed on 30 November 2024 after receiving backlash from the AUC community due to offensive posts repeatedly published on the platform. The account permits students to submit anonymous confessions by filling out a form on the website, which then gets immediately posted on X and Instagram. However, what started as a silly college gossip account quickly transformed to a platform of hate. Many students were left aghast, questioning its purpose.
3d visualization of Fediverse logo

If we can't get our act together digitally, we won't have our act together anywhere: reason 1

This is the first part of a two-part series. See also this article. Imagine you’re at a house party, and people are getting drunk. Slowly but steadily, they are raising their voice. And as more and more people do, you are going to have to raise your voice as well. At the end of the night, everyone is screaming in each others’ ears, without being any more audible than when everyone was talking at a normal volume.
a painting bearing the signature of Samoan Homestead. It is a small, primitive house in a tropical scenery

Crafting a Website for OpenTech(AUC)

Building this website was a nice way to let non-coders in our group get acquainted with terminology from the FLOSS world. Non-experts can quickly learn the basics of Markdown, thus getting the chance of using git from the very first week of work. Here is what we used! Feel free to browse the project’s repository if you are curious about the technical details. In this blog post, we limit ourselves to a non-technical overview for amateurs.
meme saying that you don't just simply install arch linux

Short Report on our Linux Installation Party

In February 2024 around ten students and teachers gathered in StartUpVillage, the most inspiring part of Science Park. Their goal: Learning how to install Arch Linux on a Laptop. As we all know, one does not simply install Arch Linux correctly on the first try. Therefore, help was needed. Breanndán and his colleague Baran - loyal members and friends of OpenTech(AUC) - had the amazing idea of offering their startup’s spare ThinkPad laptops as well as Arch Linux bootable USB sticks.
Tusky the Mastodon mascot is welcomed to the Mastodon family

Brief introduction of Mastodon

At OpenTech(AUC) we like to rant about what makes the existing digital worlds we live in terrible. But it’s not all bad. Healthier alternatives exist! In this post we would like to introduce the world of Mastodon. Mastodon is a decentralized, open source, non-corporate alternative to Twitter. It is part of a larger group of apps and platforms that offer a different digital social world, called “The Fediverse”, where people can take back control over the spaces where they digitally meet.

WhatsApp is a bad deal

Normally, when you feel you’re getting the short end of a stick, for example when the supermarket sells you expensive mushy cauliflowers, or when the organization you volunteer at treats you disrespectfully, you go and find what you need somewhere else. This ability to “defect” to an alternative when you feel you’re not getting a good deal, is an important “power” that helps you get reasonable deals.1 When it comes to the way we relate to each other digitally, arguably one of the main ways in which we relate these days, we do not have that luxury.